Multiverse & INvolve: Unlock Social Mobility Through Apprenticeships
25th February 2021| 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Organisations with a diverse workforce are seeing the benefits from an increased pool of skills and experience, and a wider representation of the customers they serve. However increasing diversity at entry-level whilst relying solely on graduate recruitment still means many companies are missing the brightest and best diverse talent as well as letting down young people who are most in need of opportunity and hardest hit by the economic impact of Covid-19.Apprenticeships provide an opportunity for organisations to widen access, reaching individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds and enabling them to develop skills in a non-academic setting whilst, for the employer, developing a talent pipeline to fill the skills gap at entry level and provide a
route all the way to the boardroom.
Join Multiverse and INvolve to understand more about the challenges of addressing social mobility in business and how apprenticeships can help to access a wealth of untapped potential.